Thursday, January 9, 2020
Plato Was An Ancient Greek Philosopher Essay - 1698 Words
Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher thought to have been born in 428 B.C, he was the son of Ariston and was brought up in an aristocratic way of life. Because of his social status and connections he obtained through his family, it was thought he would inevitably end up involved in Athenian political life, but this did not happen to such an extent, a friend of his, Socrates had an enormous effect on him and why he did not end up with a prominent role in politics. He explains this in his Seventh Letter, and tells of after the revolution, the government put in charge, being friends and family of his, called on him to join them. He believed they would turn their unjust city just however, this was not the case and in Plato’s words ‘I saw that these men make the former constitution seem like a golden age by comparison’ This new power sought to involve Socrates in their unholy expeditions, irrespective of whether or not he wished it, this lead to Socrates putting hi mself and his life at risk when he refused to be a part of their injustice. This is when Plato removed himself with disgust at the evils being done, not long after he withdrew the thirty were overthrown and Plato hesitantly re-joined in public affairs and politics until once again, Socrates was called on and this time he was accused of the most unholy act of impiety and sentenced to death. With this, Plato almost grew a resentment for all constitution currently in practice in all societies and it was then PlatoShow MoreRelatedPlato, An Ancient Greek Philosopher1458 Words  | 6 Pages Plato, an Ancient Greek Philosopher by Carly Rittenmeyer Bible and the Ancient World Spring 2015 Plato, a Greek Philosopher, is known for his writings that impacted people in the Ancient Greek society. He was a free thinker and lived in a free city, Athens. He was taught by multiple teachers including Socrates who was frequently mentioned in his writings as the central character. Plato’s novel, The Republic, influenced the idea of government and showsRead MoreGreek Philosophy And The Greek Creation1593 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"philosophy†, comes from the Ancient Greek word (Phileo), meaning â€Å"to love†or â€Å"to befriend†and (Sophia), meaning â€Å"wisdom†; making philosophy stand for â€Å"the love of wisdom†. 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